what's in my bag?

Looks like all the cool kids have done one of these posts so I thought I'd join in on the fun. Good timing as I just finished up a new wallet and key fob that I wanted to show off. I've also been meaning to do a little review of the Kelly Moore B-Hobo camera bag I splurged on for Christmas for any of you that might be on the fence about getting one. Last but not least, since I'm nosy and would love to know what's in *your* bag, feel free to link to your "what's in my bag?" post in the comments below.

My stuff: 
wallet - used this pattern and customized it a bit
deep steep stick - this stuff is ah-mazing!
burt's bees lip balm 
yes to carrots lip shimmer 
alba botanica sunblock - never leave home without it
 zip pouch for hand sanitizer, etc {made by nicke}
keys with a wristlet key fob {made by me}
coupon file - Target
  coin pouch {made by me}

I seriously love my B-Hobo bag! No regrets here. Granted, it's not exactly a frugal find but it is exactly what I wanted and needed so worth the $ in my book. I've had it since December, drag it around with me every single day and it's held up really well. Still looks brand new. For the most part, I use it as a regular purse. The adjustable dividers help keep my stuff organized so I don't have to dig for anything. The bag also has lots of outside pockets that help keep things in order as well. I like to keep my iPhone in one of the front pockets so it's easy to get to. When I do carry my camera and lenses, there is still plenty of room for all my stuff {minus the coupon file}. Even when loaded with my camera gear, the bag is still comfortable enough to carry. I've carried it through many long trips to the zoo, aquarium, etc and survived. I almost always use the shorter strap that is pictured below but the B-Hobo bag also comes with a longer, adjustable cross body strap which is pretty cool. 

The photos above show how I "arrange" my stuff on days I don't take my camera gear; the photos below show my bag with my camera and and extra lens.  When I bring my camera along, I just remove the coupon file, move my wallet over to one of the side slots, and place my camera in the middle. It's easier to get to there and I have room to wrap my camera strap cover around my lens for extra padding. If I want to bring my extra lens, I put it in the pocket that I use for emergency dipes for the kiddo.

My old film camera is standing in for my Rebel XS / 50mm f1.8 {used them to take the photos!}. The other lens I usually bring along is my 85mm f1.8 with a lens hood attached.

Well, hope you enjoyed snooping though my bag ;) If you've written a "what's in my bag?" post in the past or want to write one up now, post a link in the comments below so we can stop by and visit!

*Just wanted to mention that while I did sign up to be an affiliate for Kelly Moore Bags {because I seriously love them}, I bought and paid for my bag and was not compensated for my opinions, etc.  Also, I most certainly did clean out an embarrassing amount of wadded up tissues and receipts out of my purse before snapping photos!!  No one wants to see that mess, I promise.


  1. I love seeing what others carry in their bags. The contents of my bags are so boring now-a-days.

  2. The items in your bag are so pretty! My bag includes gum wrappers, wrinkled cupons, and whatever my baby spit in a napkin in the last 24 hours. Not cute at all. sigh.

  3. that bag is awesome! I can't wait til I'm done with diaper bags, although mine isn't that bad. Your purse contents are very pretty!

  4. great bag! Your items are gorgeous. No one would ever look at my blog again if I showed them my bag and it's contents! Pitiful! I am the last person I sew for :(

  5. ooo, very pretty! I love your bag! Leather is just so beautiful. And your inside goodies looks so lovely and organized.

  6. I Love your B-Hobo bag, but I adore all these cute pouches!

  7. Love your bag and love the wallet and the pouches! Maybe once I get out of the diaper bag I can have a beautiful purse/bag again too! :)
    Fun post.

  8. Ooh, love that bag! Now, I would love to tell you what's in my bag, but, err, I don't actually have one. Much to my mother's horror, at the ripe old age of 33 I still go out with everything stuffed in my jacket pockets, ie my keys, personal mobile, work mobile, wallet, train pass, work pass, hanky, and a fair smattering of receipts and post it notes. She says I'll grow out of it...

  9. Wow! I'm so in love with your bag!!! Your wallet looks awesome! You're so organized! :)

  10. your purse looks way too organized! :)

    mine is a mess right now. the papers always seem to take over after a while. must take care of that today....:)

  11. Wow, you have some lovely bits in your bag! I love the little coin pouch that you made! I think I am going to have to blog about what's in my bag now! I will be sure you mention you in it! :o)

    C x

  12. Just done mine! Its not quite as neat as yours! :o)

    C x

  13. I love this wallet! And the bag looks super comfy! It is a bit expensive thought, but the truth is that I have ever see a bag this cute for a camera!

    here is my bag!

  14. Love that bag and I love that wallet! Very cute!

  15. Gorgeous bag! But, also gorgeous sunglasses. Do you mind sharing where you got those from since I'm on a hunt? Thanks!

  16. Thank you! I found my sunglasses at a booth in the Arbor Place Mall in Douglasville, GA. 2 for $20 deal, I believe. I've seen the same booths at several malls but I've probably had them for over a year so not sure they still make that style.

  17. I will never post what's in my bag! It is a dark hole of God only knows what!! Yours looks so neat and organized...perhaps I need to go clean mine out. I don't really need that receipt from five years ago, right?

  18. Stumbled upon your blog (I think through Pinterest? I don't know I have a million tabs open LOL), and hello from a fellow Alabamian! LOVE the wallet -- like, LOVE. Props for showing the insides of your purse. ;) If I did that right now, you'd get remnants of my shoulder strap, sand?, crumbs, crayons, and cheerios among what *should* be in there, such as wallet, phone, etc. It sooo needs to be cleaned out.

  19. I know this is an old post but PLEASE help me out :)! I just have to know what the outer fabric is that you made your wallet out of? I am in love with it! Thanks so much!

  20. if you can email it to me! Thanks again

  21. Happy to see that Deep Steep made it in your bag! We just found out about your site re: our web analytics report. Hah! Looks like you've got good taste! Let me know if you'd like to review any of our other products. Dee Heffernan

  22. Hi Dee! I absolutely love the stuff. I'd be more than happy to try any of your other products. Thanks for sharing this post on FB :)
